for this project, the Sexism and Rape Culture project my group decided to make a mannequin that resembles the rape victims. our propose of this is to raise an awareness. we make the mannequin by sort of like molding in it to another mannequin. but my mannequin is only for making clothes so it doesn't have any limbs. so we decide to devide the tasks. my task is to make the legs. all you need to do to make the leg is:
- prepare an old newspapers/magazines. get loads of them.
- a used plastic. so you recycled it instead of throw it in the garbage. #gogreen lol
- a clear ducktape
and oh! you'll need 1 person, a friend,brother, sister , mom or dad to help you with.
1.first thing first, you need to lather your leg with a talc so the plastic wont sticks to your skin.
you need to make the leg one by one.
2. wrap your leg with the plastic from the toe to your thigh, then secure it with a duck tape.
3. wrap your leg with a newspaper, but don't wrap it too thick or it'll lose the form. and secure it with a duck tape from bottom to top.
4. after you wrap it all up, you take a pen or marker to mark a line where you want to cut it. then cut it nicely so it won't ruined. you might need to use another hand to help you with. ask your mum or anyone to help you cut it.
6. after you can get your leg out, secure the sides of it that you've cut with a tape.
7. prepare lots of crunched paper and make it into a little ball to fill it in.
8. after you already filled it in, secure it with a ducktape and close the top of it using a foil and duck tape too.
AAAAND ITS FINISHED. oh don't forget to make the other leg :p